Academic - Administration and Economics (BSc)

Bachelor’s Degree on Administration and Economics from the International Hellenic University with major in Supply Chain Management (Logistics).
Major: Supply Chain Management
Thesis: Integration of Near Field Communication technology into Warehouse Management Systems (Grade: 10/10)
Courses: Mathematics, Consumer behavior, Informatics, Introduction to economics, Plant product processing, Animal product processing, HRM, Dissertation writing, Statistical and qualitative data analysis, Urban Commercial Law, Technical Chemistry, Business Administration, Marketing, Technology and Materials Management, Accounting principles, Industrial Processes in Manufacturing, Costing - Management Accounting, GIS, Quality control, Packaging and Standardization, E-commerce, Reverse and Green Logistics, Introduction to Logistics, Marking and Traceability, Organisational Behavior, Systems and Means of Transport, Inventory Management and Demand Forecasting, Warehouse Organization and Management, Quality management, Supply Chain Management, Research methodology, Purchasing management, CRM, Operational research, Management of services supply chain.
Final Grade: 7,47/10